A Global Dialogue on Intangible Cultural Heritage.

After a brief delay, the eagerly awaited global summit on intangible cultural heritage is finally set to commence next week. Featuring a diverse lineup of over 200 speakers, panelists, and moderators, the conference promises to be a dynamic gathering of experts and thought leaders from around the world.

Esteemed scholars, innovators, and culture ministers, along with distinguished professors from renowned institutions such as Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge, will take center stage to address pressing issues in the field.

Among the distinguished speakers is Stephen Rwagweri, founder of African Continental Crafts and a UNESCO culture expert. Handpicked by UNESCO as a world authority on culture, Rwagweri will participate in a 90-minute panel discussion on intangible cultural heritage. The panel will explore this vital subject within the overarching theme of the conference, “It’s a Matter of Time.”

Moderating the discussion will be Muna Shikaki, the Head of Communications for the American Film Showcase. With her extensive experience in cross-cultural communication, Shikaki will guide the conversation and foster meaningful dialogue among participants.

As the sole representative from Africa on the panel, Rwagweri will offer unique insights into the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the continent. His perspective will be instrumental in highlighting the importance of preserving and promoting Africa’s cultural legacy on the global stage.

With a focus on collaboration and knowledge exchange, the summit aims to catalyze efforts to safeguard and celebrate intangible cultural heritage worldwide. Rwagweri and his fellow panelists are poised to contribute valuable insights and strategies that will shape the future of cultural preservation for generations to come.
